The following is my assessment of the windows platform primarily focused on Vista but related back to even windows 2000.
I find the Windows OS is filled to the rafters with useless cruft, bloatwares, spamwares, annoywares, security flaws, etc, etc. Every piece of useless software that i list below has an open source cousin that is more user friendly, less buggy, less bloated, and allows me to customize the software as i see fit!
I feel the Windows OS needs an Eniema and here is the evidence that formed these conclusions...
Useless Packaged software
Windows Mail:
--virus magnet & backdoor: use gmail
Internet Exploder:
--virus magnet & frontdoor: use Chrome
Windows Calendar:
--only slightly useful
Windows Media Player:
--complete bloatware crap!
Windows Media Center:
--bloatware *built* on bloatware
Windows Sync Center:
--what a joke!
Windows Problems and Solutions:
--just annoyware!
Windows Movie Maker:
--yea, for kids and housewife's!
Windows Photo Galley:
--only slightly useful.
Windows Update:
--well i don't like hosting viruses so...?
My meeting place:
--worthless spamware junk!
Windows Games:
Useless Accessories
--what else ya gonna use?
--what a useless POS, only one undo? COME ON!
--are you joking M$? -- glorified etch-a-sketch!
--yes i love wasting memory just to see an analog clock!
Sound Recorder:
--only very slightly useful, needs more functionality
--no thanks, Open Office will suffice!
Charactor Map:
--only slightly useful
--agonizingly slow
Disk Cleanup:
--obviously made for morons!
Internet Explorer(no add-ons):
--polish a turd, it's still a turd!
Windows Experience index:
--useless bloat
Computer Management:
--horrible UI
Task Manager:
--the worst UI i have ever used! (Vista)
Windows Help:
--maybe for complete morons!
Dangerous and annoying services
and settings from the factory
Remote Registry
--completely moronic!
Remote Assistance
--only slightly less moronic
Hide Known Filetypes:
--no thanks i like to see them!
--what a nagging POS annoyware!
Menus are hidden in Exploder
--stuipid factory setting!
Ready Boost:
Internet Connection Sharing
--ahh yes, bring on the hackers
NET Tcp port sharing
Secondary Logon
Terminal Services
Windows BackUp
Windows Remote Managment
Routing and Remote Access
All Peer Services
All Windows MC/MP network services
Useless Misc Bloat
Desktop backgrounds:
--crap! use a solid color -- black is my fav!
Screen savers:
--crap! ooh...look at the pretty colors!
Windows Transparency:
--crap! vanity run amuck!
--crap! adolescent accessorizing!
System restore is a joke and complete waste of HD space even if you have TB's to spare! Actually i can do without almost every piece of built-in software on this stinking windows platform.
Oh M$, please release a striped down version of Windows with nothing except for the basic system and the Command Prompt, and you can keep the rest of it!
Microsoft's whole system of security is a joke as evidenced by the plagues of virus infestation we experience. Windows ships with back doors wide open just begging for an infection! And i am so tired of MB's and MB's of patches to download every month.
Sadly most of these built in memory robbing, hard space eating, annoying POS bloatwares/annoywares can not be uninstalled!
The only advancement (if you could call it that) with Vista is the search from start menu is much better than the previous "puppy dog" search of XP. Short of that, Vista is just lipstick on a pig!
Thanks M$ for bending us over yet again!
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